. Panama Canal History Museum - Photos, Documents, Books and Stories from the Panamacanal Construction

Panama Canal Versus Panama Railroad Interests


From Wikipedia: The railroad became one of the most profitable in the world, charging up to $25 per passenger to travel over 47 miles (76 km) of hard laid track. Upon completion, the railway was proclaimed an engineering marvel of the era. Until the opening of the Panama Canal, it carried the heaviest volume of freight per unit length of any railroad in the world. The existence of the railway was one of the keys to the selection of Panama as the site of the canal. In 1881 the French Compagnie Universelle du Canal Interocéanique purchased controlling interest in the Panama Railway Company. In 1904, the US government under Theodore Roosevelt purchased the railway from the French canal company. At the time, railway assets included some 75 miles (121 km) of track, 35 locomotives, 30 passenger cars, and 900 freight cars. Much of this equipment was worn out or obsolete and had to be scrapped.

1914 - 2014 100th Anniversary Panama Canal
This website is dedicated to all men and women who have and will work at or for the Panama Canal and made the heroic dream of over 400 years come true. Honoring the past by building the future.